-- card: 10684 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 2405 -- name: Who? -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 2004 -- rect: left=1 top=21 right=341 bottom=473 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 12 -- part name: Ackn ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp Visual effect venetian blinds push recent card pop card end mouseUp -- part contents for card part 1 ----- text ----- This stack would not be possible without the hard work done by the people below: Name: ? Genie Address: HCNEK Date: 8/22/87 Stack: Client List Who uploaded the original "Client List" to Genie. Client List II is just my modification of that stack. Name: Ricardo Batista Adress: 8889 Caminito Plaza Centro # 7317 La Jolla, CA 92122 Stack: Hyper Terminal 1.0 Without the XFCN's and scripts from Hyper Terminal 1.0, the modem support of this stack would not function. Please send him your money if you use Hyper Terminal 1.0. Name: Lynn Wilborn Genie Address: L.Wilborn Stack: Client List II If you have any suggestions write!